Friday 10 February 2012

Dress Rehearsal

For our dress rehearsel we rehearsed the moves that we had been practicing over the past couple of weeks ready for our final perfomance.In this dress rehearsal I suppose we practiced putting on a show more than the dance itself.In order to try and achieve more we were told to show more enthusiasm and making like a real line dance.Such as Aditi and Rhenee counting at times and shouting "yeee haaa".We also tried to perfect our look here like always smiling and show the purpose of what line dancing was originally done for which was to celebrate.We also perfected our looks by all wearing checkered shirts,Belts and Jeans and boots of somesort,We accessorised this look with cowboy hats if we had them or could get hold of some and also hankercheifs (Dont how to spell that << but thingy round the neck).


After spending a couple more lessons perfecting time and expertise on the tush push and the grapevine sequence.With Miss Hainstock we then added new choreography such as heel toe heel toe,we also added hand movement such as hands in belt loops and also hats off hats on.The new choreography took me a while to get used to and required some extra practice!.Soon enough though I think I got the hang of it.The move I struggled with the most was the gallop and the heel touching one ,At first I found so confusing but after practicing around the room ,I soon figured it out.From here we spent a couple more lessons working on this and getting to know the routine of by heart.

Initial Lesson

In this lesson we focused 'getting to know line dance' and becoming familiar with the terms that are often associated with line dance and popular moves.To get us started  almost as an introdcution sir played the video below;
This vidoe taught us  the basic steps that will help us build our skills as a group and develop basic steps into our own line dance.
After this we used what we learnt here and went on to another video and started to learn more sequencnes,,from the website below;
Here we learnt the 'Tush Push' after becoming familiar with all the moves from both videos we combined the tush oush and grapevine with the beat of Michael Jacksons 'Beat it'.For the rest of the lesson we perfected our timing.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Evaluation Line dancing- Final dance

Overall my performance was Mediocre I feel that I performed at my best whilst in the drama studio as here we had more space and could hear the music a lot more clear. Whilst performing in the drama studio and outside my overall dance was ok but from watching the videos back I found that I missed most of the claps on each turn and didn’t put enough enthusiasm and emotion in the dance I didn’t show the true meaning of line dance through my performance.
The group as a whole worked really well together in my opinion as from watching the video back I saw that everyone including myself was relatively in time. Although I noticed when people boosted there energy and enthusiasm like Aditi there would suddenly find themselves out of time. Which is something to be aware of when we perform the routine again in order to boost the potential grade.
Aspects of the dance It self-the elements of the dance that I found most difficult was the slide in across the room part on your heels, I think I found this difficult as I thought it was embarrassing although after practicing throughout lessons on the day of the final dance I managed to hide the nervousness with that move and managed to not drag attention to myself. The elements of the dance that I most liked were the grapevine and heel toe movements. Also when we performed the dance outside I was given a cow boy hat which made me feel more comfortable as I could see that I wasn’t that noticeable and blended in with everyone else although this also brought out another fault as I hadn’t practised before with a hat I found myself taking the hat of out of time with everyone else. e.g. When watching the videos back I often found that I would take my hat of to quick and then lose confidence as I know that I got the move wrong.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Bollywood Dance Choreography

In the first session of performing arts was a introductory lesson from this Miss used a video clip from YouTube to teach the class some moves and through repetition and practice we now know them of by heart.Below is some shots of different steps similar to what we learnt and a tutorial video on YouTube that is similar to the one Miss Hainstock used with us as i can not find the original clip that we used.

The video below is not the original video that we used during this session but some of moves are relatively similar and are almost adaptation to the moves that we learnt.

Log 3

In this session we created our blog accounts.These blog accounts are made so that our teachers can keep a check of what we are doing and then by knowing are email address & passwords they can then mark everything on-line and print it out in there own time.Other than  this in the second half of the lesson we participated in a recording of us dancing the Bollywood moves that we had learnt previously along to Jai ho(music video below).This was part of a media project that the media team created including all there classes and forms.

The video above is 
.....Jai Ho(You are My destiny)a music video by A.R. Rahman, The Pussycat Dolls.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Log 2

On our 2nd lesson of Bollywood dancing we practiced and reviewed the last lesson of dancing and rehearsed the moves that we learnt from this Ms Hainstock set us a task to add our own dance moves to the dance.In order to do this we got into groups of three in my group there was Aaron,Aditi and I.